作 者: ;
机构地区: 中南大学外国语学院
出 处: 《外国语文》 2011年第4期78-81,共4页
摘 要: 在诗歌的意象翻译中,由于受到文化、认知差异等因素的影响,译者对诗歌原文本的意象进行识解,并重新构建文本世界,尽量再现原文本意象的意义和审美效果,乃至文化精神,以逼近或"趋同"原诗歌意象的功能,实现译文和原文本的意象差异对等。 Based on the research on the translation of candle imagery in different poems written by Li Shang-yin and the contrast of the contents and style of two poems,this paper proposes that in the translation of poetry imagery the translator construes the source text and re-constructs the text world,attempting to represent the meaning,aesthetic effect and cultural spirit of images in the source text,in order to approach or converge the functions of images in the source text and finally achieve the equivalence in difference between the images in the source text and the target text.
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