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Research on the Training Approaches and Measures on Competitive Sports' Core Competencies in China

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院体育教育系

出  处: 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期69-71,共3页

摘  要: 运用核心竞争力理论,结合竞技体育的本质属性和当前世界竞技体育格局发展动态,基于我国竞技体育现有竞技水平和发展现状,对我国竞技体育核心竞争力培育途径和措施进行了研究。研究结果表明其培育实现途径包括:1)发挥高层领导的核心作用,实现管理整合;2)确立多点优势单项发展战略;3)积极打造人力资本,培育高水平的竞技体育主体;4)积极开展先进的竞技科研,努力将科研成果转化为训练生产力;5)围绕实战,构建多元化竞赛实战保障体系;6)发挥宏观协调作用,在竞技体育项目结构布局中引导中国竞技体育核心竞争力;7)树立核心竞争力意识,强化基于中国竞技体育核心竞争力战略的观念。同时,研究结果表明其培育措施包括:1)进一步完善竞技体育运动训练与竞赛机制,使之更加体现竞技化和法制化;2)找准突破口,积极打造竞技体育优势项目和核心人物,努力扩大奖牌增长点;3)积极贯彻"科技兴体"方针,为提升中因竞技体育核心竞争力增添动力源;4)积极发挥举国体制优势,因势利导;5)以提高中国竞技体育核心竞争力为目标,形成奥运优势项目集团优势。 By using core competence theory, combined with the essence and the current trend of competitive sports in the world, based on the competition level and the development status of competitive sports in China, we had studied the training approaches and measures of competitive sports' core competency in China. The results show that the training approaches are following : The first approach is to play a central role of senior leadership and to achieve management integration. The second approach is to build up several advantages development strategies. The third is to positively construct human capital and to foster a high level of competitive sports subject. The fourth is to positively conduct advanced research which might be turned into the training productivity. The fifth is to construet the supporting system of diversified competition around the real competition. The sixth is to lead the core competency of competitive sports in China by resting on the important role of macroeeonomic coordination. The seventh is to establish the awareness of the core competitiveness and to strengthen the core competitive concept based on the competitive strategy in China. Meanwhile, the training measures include the following: The first is to further improve the mechanism of training and competition in competitive sports which we should make to be more competitive and legal. The second is to create and train the ad- vantageous projects and the core sports figures and to expand the medals growth point based on the breakthrough of competitive sports. The third is to add the power source to competitive sports ' core competency in china relying on science and technology. The fourth is to exert the positive influence on National System and to prevail it. The last is to format the Olympic advantage group advantages according to the goal of competitive sports' core competency in China.

关 键 词: 核心竞争力 竞技体育 培育途径 培育措施

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 肖林鹏
作者 王恒同
作者 麻雪田
作者 熊炳兰
作者 黄汉升


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟