作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期118-123,共6页
摘 要: 白璧德思想学说在中国现代文学史上的地位曾一度因学界的片面误读而渐趋消退、遮蔽、沉寂以致被边缘化而难觅其影响的踪迹,这实在令人不可思议。事实上,从梁实秋文学理论批评的角度来重新探讨白璧德的文艺批评理论,从而把握白璧德与新月派批评家梁实秋等人内在偶合的思想内涵,一方面旨意于对白璧德这位大师的文艺理论批评思想在中国20世纪文学界的影响将隐含着赫然的价值意义有一个较为完整的了解;另一方面则可以系统地勾勒、揭示和凸显出梁实秋思想理论学说与白璧德学术理路的内在契合性。 Irving Babbitfs thought in modern Chinese literature gradually faded into silence due to one- sided misunderstanding of academia. It is really incredible that his thought was marginalized and hard to find traces of its effects. In fact, from the perspective of Liang Shiqiu's literary criticism, we can re-discuss the theory of Babbitt's literary criticism and find out the intrinsic affinity between their literary criticism. On the one hand, we can have a good understanding of the significant value of the effect of Babbitt's literar- y criticism on the Chinese 20th century literary circle; on the other hand, we may outline and highlight the intrinsic affinity between Liang Shiqiu's and Irving Babbitt's academic thoughts.
领 域: [文学]