机构地区: 吉林大学东北亚研究院
出 处: 《经济经纬》 2011年第5期14-17,共4页
摘 要: 笔者采用DEA方法估算了中国268个城市的全要素生产率,并检验了技术进步、结构调整与就业增长的关系。结果表明:全要素生产率的增长对城市就业的影响不显著,产业结构的快速调整对于城市就业存在显著的正向影响。同时,制造业和建筑业具有较高的就业吸纳能力,而电力燃气和供水业、个人服务业和生产性服务业就业份额的提高对于城市就业产生了不利影响。此外,研究还表明人力资本和科技投入水平是推动中国城市就业增长的重要因素。 The authors estimated the total factor productivity of 268 Chinese cities based on DEA approach and tested the relationship between technical progress,structural readjustment and employment growth.The results indicate that the increase in total factor productivity does not affect urban employment obviously and the quick adjustment of industrial structure has obvious positive effect on urban employment.At the same time,the industries of manufacture and construction are positively related to urban employment while the industries of power,gas and water supply,personal service and production service are negatively related to urban employment.In addition,the research also indicates that human resource and technological input are important factors that promote the employment growth in Chinese cities.
关 键 词: 技术进步 结构调整 就业效应 空间面板数据模型
领 域: [经济管理]