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Effect of different irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer on spring maize growth,yield and water use

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《干旱地区农业研究》 2011年第4期137-143,共7页

摘  要: 通过大田小区试验,设置8个不同生育期灌水处理:各生育期都灌水(CK)、苗期不灌水(I1)、拔节期不灌水(I2)、抽穗期不灌水(I3)、灌浆成熟期不灌水(I4)、苗期+抽穗期不灌水(I13)、苗期+灌浆期不灌水(I14)、拔节期+灌浆期不灌水(I24)和4个氮肥水平:不施氮(ZN)、低氮(LN,60 kg N/hm2)、中氮(MN,120 kg N/hm2)和高氮(HN,180 kg N/hm2),研究了不同生育期灌水和施氮对春玉米生长、产量及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,任何一个生育期不灌水都降低春玉米的株高、叶面积、籽粒产量;灌水对苗期株高影响不显著,氮肥对各生育期株高影响均显著,水氮互作效应对苗期株高影响不显著;与处理CK相比较,处理I2和处理I24对株高的影响最大,最高降低了11.42%;灌水,氮肥和水氮互作效应对各生育期叶面积均有显著影响,但两生育期不灌水处理大于单生育期不灌水处理对叶面积的影响;而单生育期不灌水处理对叶面积的影响平均来说为灌水处理I4>I3>I1>I2,两生育期不灌水处理在施氮水平ZN、LN下I13>I14>I24,而在施氮水平MN、HN下处理I14与处理I24差异不显著,却都大于处理I13;灌水和氮素效应对玉米的千粒重、穗粒重、籽粒产量都有显著的影响;与处理CK相比较,处理I3和处理I13对籽粒产量的影响最大,最大降幅为28.76%;I1和I4高氮处理具有较高的产量和水分利用效率。 A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of irrigation at different growth stages and nitrogen fertilizer on spring maize growth,yield and water use efficiency.The experiment included eight irrigation treatments: irrigation at the whole growth period(CK),no irrigation at seedling stage(I1),no irrigation at jointing stage(I2),no irrigation at heading stage(I3),no irrigation at filling stage(I4),no irrigation at seedling stage and heading stage(I13),no irrigation at seedling stage and filling stage(I14),no irrigation at jointing stage and heading stage(I24) and four nitrogen levels: non-nitrogen(ZN),low nitrogen(LN,60 kg N/hm2),medium nitrogen(HN,120 kg N/hm2),high nitrogen(HN,180 kg N/hm2).The results showed that no irrigation in any of the growth stages reduced spring maize plant height,leaf area and grain yield.Irrigation treatment at seedling stage had significant effect on plant height.Nitrogen fertilizer treatment at the whole growth stage had significant effect on the plant height.But water and nitrogen interaction at seedling stage had no significant effect on the plant height.Compared with the treatment of irrigation at whole growth stages(CK),the treatments I2 and I24 had the greatest impact on plant height,reduced it by 11.42% at most.Irrigation treatments,nitrogen fertilizer treatments and water and nitrogen interaction at the whole growth stage had significant effect on leaf area.However,the effect of no irrigation treatment of the two growth stages on leaf area is greater than no irrigation treatment of single growth stage.The effect of no irrigation treatment of single growth stage on leaf area was I4I3I1I2.The effect of no irrigation treatment of the two growth stages at the nitrogen level ZN,LN was I13I14I24,but at the nitrogen level MN,HN was I24=I14I13.Irrigation treatments and nitrogen fertilizer treatments both had significant effect on 1000-grain weight,grain weight per spike and grain yield.Compared with the CK,I3 and I13 had

关 键 词: 春玉米 生育时期 株高 叶面积 籽粒产量 水分利用

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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