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Characteristics of Tectonic Subsidence of Nansha Area

作  者: ; ; ; ; (廖杰);

机构地区: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所边缘海地质重点实验室

出  处: 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 2011年第5期949-955,共7页

摘  要: 南海在新生代期间发生多次裂解和离散,在南海南部陆缘地层中留下了多次构造运动的痕迹.选取南沙海域内覆盖曾母、北康、南薇西、万安盆地的24个模拟井位,分别进行构造沉降速率的计算,并分析了自中生代末期以来的4次重要构造运动对南沙海域盆地的形成和构造演化的控制作用.结果显示,南沙海域构造沉降分为3幕:第一幕为40.5~30.0Ma,在西卫运动的影响下,南沙海域盆地进入断陷阶段,发生大规模的沉降作用,构造沉降速率最大达到了160m/Ma;第二幕为30.0~10.2Ma,随着南海的张开,区内盆地相继发生热沉降作用,进入拗陷期,由于古南海与婆罗洲的碰撞,区内盆地地层发生整体抬升,构造沉降速率达到最小值20~50m/Ma;第三幕为10.2~0Ma,晚中新世由于南沙运动影响,研究区内盆地发生了一次大规模的快速沉降作用,随着南沙地区一起进入区域沉降阶段. Tectonic subsidence histories of Zengmu basin,Beikang basin,Nanweixi basin and Wan'an basin in Nansha area are analyzed with back-stripping technique.1D tectonic subsidence histories of 24 presumed wells are calculated.The results show that Nansha area experienced 3 main subsiding stages in Cenozoic:(1) Nansha area experienced rifting stage in 40.5-30.0 Ma with a wide range of subsidence.In the first subsiding stage,the max tectonic subsidence rate is 160 m/Ma,which was supposed to be controlled by Xiwei movement.(2) In the second stage(30.0-10.2 Ma),Nansha area ended rifting stage and shifted to depression stage in connection with collision between ancient South China Sea and Borneo.The max tectonic subsidence rate decreased to 20-50 m/Ma.(3) For the third stage(10.2-0 Ma),the regional basins experienced a stage of accelerated subsidence in connection with Nasha movement since Late Miocene.Nansha area experienced regional subsiding stage.

关 键 词: 南沙海域 构造 回剥反演 沉降速率 海洋地质

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


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