机构地区: 中国海洋大学水产学院海水养殖教育部重点实验室
出 处: 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第9期25-30,共6页
摘 要: 利用石蜡切片技术对卵胎生许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf)的卵巢发育期、卵母细胞发育时相进行了划分,并对性腺成熟系数、肝重指数和肥满度的年周变化进行了研究。结果表明,许氏平鲉卵巢发育可以分为7个期,卵母细胞分为6个时相;以Ⅲ期卵巢越冬,翌年5月进入分娩期,7~11月上旬卵巢保持在重复发育Ⅱ期。许氏平鲉卵巢平均成熟系数波动在0.33~19.82之间,平均肝重指数波动在0.33~3.10之间,平均肥满度波动在2.51~3.20之间。分娩期之前,肝重指数与性腺成熟系数基本呈正相关,产仔期后肝重指数显著下降。该鱼1年成熟1次,属于一次性生殖类型。 This paper revealed the annual changes of the ovary stage for development and developmental phase of oocytes by means of microscope observation of ovarian olefin slice, as well as the relationship among gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index and condition factor of female ovoviviparous Sebastes schlegeli. According to the morphological and histological features, the ovarian development could be divided into seven stages and the growth of oocytes could be divided into six phases. The ovary was in stage Ⅲ in winter, gravid in May, and developed into stage Ⅱ from middle July, then rested on the stage Ⅱ until November. The average gonadosomatic index of female Sebastes schlegeli during a year was between 0. 33 and 19.82, the hepatosomatic index was between 0. 33 and 3.10, and the condition factor was between 2. 51 and 3. 20. The relationship between gonadosomatic index and hepatosomatic index was basically positive correlation before parturition, and then hepatosomatic index dropped significantly. The results of this paper indicate that this fish spawn only once a year.