机构地区: 国家陶瓷及水暖卫浴产品质量监督检验中心广东潮州521000
出 处: 《广东化工》 2011年第9期226-227,共2页
摘 要: 利用工业废料作为制备微晶玻璃的原料,其配料组成会对高温熔融特性产生明显影响。不同种类粉煤灰在化学组成相差不大的条件下,玻璃相含量高的粉煤灰更有利于配料体系的高温熔融;掺入适量的含W废料能够有效改善微晶玻璃配料体系的高温熔融性能,但掺量不宜太高,当外加掺量为1%时,配料体系的熔融性能能够得到有效的改善。 Using industrial wastes as main raw materials to produce glass-ceramics,the ingredient components have obvious influence on melting behavior in high temperature.For different kinds of fly ash with similar chemical compositions,the fly ash with high content of glass phase is more advantageous to improve melting process in high temperature.The melting behavior of glass-ceramics ingredients can be improve by mixing the right content of wastes including wolfram.But the additive amount should be properly controlled,when the mixing content was 1 %,the melting performance of ingredients system can be improved effectively.
领 域: [化学工程]