机构地区: 广东省微生物研究所
出 处: 《广东农业科学》 2011年第18期35-37,共3页
摘 要: 白玉菇是一种极具开发潜力的新型食用菌品种。基于冷库工厂化生产模式条件下,对白玉菇栽培技术进行了研究。结果表明,含杉木屑、棉子壳和玉米芯等的栽培培养基利于白玉菇菌丝的生长和产量的提高,白玉菇子实体生长的最佳条件为生长温度15℃、空气相对湿度90%、光照强度800 lx、CO2浓度2 000 mg/L,在该条件下生长的白玉菇生物转化率为33%、正品率达90%以上。 White Hypsizygus marmoreus was a new edible mushroom with high potential to exploit.It was grown in refrigeration house to optimize the cultivation conditions in this paper.The results showed that Chinese fir sawdust,cotton seed shell and corn core pellets were good for hyphal growth and fruit body yields.Temperature at 15℃,relative humidity at 90%,illumination intensity at 800 lx and CO2 concentration at 2 000 mg/L were best for fruit body growth,with bioefficiency of 33% and rate of quality products over 90%.