机构地区: 广东商学院工商管理学院
出 处: 《物流工程与管理》 2011年第8期163-165,共3页
摘 要: 随着我国高等教育规模的扩大和社会对应用型人才需求的增长,企校合作成为实现高校培养应用型创新人才目标的有效途径。2009年,北潢物流有限公司与广东商学院签订企校合作协议,开始了企校合作人才培养模式的探索。两年多的实践表明:以基地基层轮岗实习为基础,以专业项目设计为中心,以深入企业实地观摩、业务交流和专题讲座等现场教学形式为支撑的企校合作人才培养模式,对于提高本科物流应用型人才的培养质量有着明显的成效。 With the expansion of higher education and growth in demand for application-oriented talents,enterprise-college cooperation becomes an effective way to realize developing creative application-oriented talents goals.There is a new cooperation model of Beihuang Logistics Co.,Ltd.and Guangdong University of Business Studies.It's based on the roots training,focus on a thematic project design,has the important support by cooperate enterprises and joint lectures,and is ultimately up to realizing employment.