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作  者: ;

机构地区: 教育部

出  处: 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 2011年第4期11-20,共10页

摘  要: 构造活动与气候变化是自然环境特点的主导因素。气候环境的变化具有异地同时的相似性,亦具有同时异地的差别性,当今全球气候变暖的过程中,气候在地区和时段的差异性,可能反映气候与气候带的变迁。塔克拉玛干沙漠是强劲风力作用的干燥气候环境,如此广阔范围、连绵起伏活动沙丘的厚层沙,来源于何种营力与气候环境是讨论的中心议题。塔里木盆地的构造轮廓,古通道抬升遗迹,古海相沉积岩层、石膏与盐湖沉积层、微古化石与油气藏,塔克拉玛干沙漠的巨厚沙层,以及石英砂表面结构组合特征,等等,均反映出沙漠起源于新生代中新世时的新特提斯海。青康藏高原及塔里木盆地周边山地的持续隆升,在中新世晚期彻底隔断了海水通道,海盆干涸逐渐变为内陆湖沼盆地,以致干旱沙漠。塔克拉玛干沙漠砂主要源于中新世晚期(约1 000~500万年前)干涸的古海洋。更新世时,沙漠周边有风化剥蚀砂源及局部有冰川砂的供给。 The Taklamakan Desert is located between 37°N to 41°N of west China with a total area of 337,600km2.It is the 2nd largest mobile desert in the world.Sand dunes are the major features,with an average height of 100~200 meters.Some are even 200~300 meters in height.The study mainly concerns the original provenance of such a thick layer of dune sands.So far multidisciplinary studies have been carried out in this region,including the structural outline of the Tarim basin,where the desert is located,elevated channel valleys,sedimentary facies of bedrock strata,microfossils,petroleum and natural gas resources,gypsum and salt lake strata,thick layer of the desert mobile sands,and surface textures of quartz sands of the desert,etc.All the evidence indicates that the desert sands were originated from the desiccated Miocene ocean.During that time,the Taram basin was under a marine environment as part of the New Tethys Ocean.During late Miocene of 10~5 million years ago,the New Tethys Sea there was closed by elevated surrounding mountains,and became an inland basin later with scattered lakes and swamps,then,gradually dried up to be a desert.Thus,the Miocene paleo-ocean was the sandy material foundation for the development of the Taklamakan Desert.In fact,there were multiple sources of sandy materials: weathering and denudation formed gravel sands;mountain glaciers produced sandy gravel and dust;pluvial fan deposited sands and gravels;wind blowing sands,river and lake sands,etc.However,the major provenance of sands is the Miocene paleo-ocean,and the marine sandy deposits within the ocean.

关 键 词: 沙漠 新特提斯海 古海洋 石英砂表面结构 塔克拉玛干

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 肖红
作者 吴尤可
作者 王小燕
作者 王玉玲
作者 陈俏湄


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院
机构 五邑大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学图书馆


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡