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Channel Estimation Based on SVD Aided FFT Interpolation for Mobile WiMAX Downlink Systems

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 河南科技大学电子信息工程学院

出  处: 《电讯技术》 2011年第8期24-28,共5页

摘  要: 针对移动WiMAX下行系统中导频个数少且分配不均匀导致的边缘效应问题,提出了一种基于奇异值分解(SVD)的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)内插信道估计方法。该方法首先得到每个符号实际分配导频处的最小二乘信道频响估计,当前符号在相邻符号实际分配导频处的信道频响由相邻符号信道频响线性内插得到;然后,将上述信道估计值合并且按子载波索引值升序排列后进行奇异值FFT内插,以减少边缘效应和噪声的影响;最后再经线性内插得到数据子载波处的信道频响估计值。仿真结果表明,和传统估计方法相比,所提出的方法估计精度更高,复杂度较低,而且避免了使用信道统计特性信息。 This paper proposes a channel estimation method based on singular value decomposition(SVD) aided interpolation for mobile WiMAX downlink systems, in order to overcome the border effect incurred by the limited number and irregular spacing of pilots. Firstly, the proposed method estimates the channel frequency re- sponse based on least square(I_S) criterion at its own pilot tones of each symbol. Secondly, the channel esti- mates of each symbol can be interpolated linearly at the pilot positions where its adjacent symbol allocates the pi- lots. Thirdly, the LS channel estimates above are combined with the interpolated channel estimates and then are sorted in an ascending order of the pilot subearrier indexes. The combined and sorted channel estimates are in- terpolatod by the FFF based on SVD to reduce the border effect and the noise impact. Finally, the interpolated channel estimates based on SVD - FFT are utilized for interpolating the channel on the remained data subcarriers linearly. Simulations demonstrate that, compared with the existing methods, the proposed method not only has a better estimation performance and a lower computational complexity, but also avoids using the channel statistics.

关 键 词: 移动 信道估计 内插 奇异值分解 边缘效应

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]


作者 高维春
作者 桂诗香
作者 高世强
作者 刘雪滢


机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心
机构 北京理工大学珠海学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳大学外国语学院


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