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Research of S-Zorb heat exchanger networks energy-saving

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 青岛科技大学炼油化工高新技术研究所

出  处: 《计算机与应用化学》 2011年第8期972-974,共3页

摘  要: 针对某催化汽油吸附脱硫装置换热网络,分析装置流程,并且从整个流程中提取了6股冷物流和4股热物流的初始温度、目标温度、热负荷等数据,选择最小传热温差为15℃,利用夹点技术得到夹点温度为81.5℃,确定了装置的节能目标为节约公用工程量78.5%。然后利用夹点三原则对现有装置的换热网络进行分析,发现该装置夹点之上存在2个冷却器、夹点之下存在1个加热器并且存在1个换热器跨越夹点传热,这造成了能量的不合理利用从而造成能量浪费。针对这几个不合理的传热器,以现有网络为基础提出了增加2台换热器从而消除部分违背夹点原则的环节的换热网络优化方案,最终实现节约冷公用工程量52.8%,节约热公用工程量65.7%的效果。 For a S-Zorb plant,its process was analyzed.The inlet temperature,target temperature and heat load of 4 hot streams and 6 cold streams were listed in a table which was used in the next step.TheΔT_(min) was choosed as 15℃,pinch analysis was carried out to determine it's energy saving target and the result was 78.5%and the pinch point was 71.5℃.Then analyzed the existing heat exchanger networks and found that there exist 1 heat exchanger across the pinch point,2 coolers above the pinch point,1 heater below the pinch point,resulting in irrational use of energy,and then proposed a heat exchanger networks based on the existing heat exchanger networks which added 2 heat exchangers in order to replace the irrational parts,this network saving the amount of cold-utility 42.3%and hot-utility 61.7%.

关 键 词: 夹点技术 换热网络 节能改造

领  域: [化学工程] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 沈剑峰
作者 胡春林


机构 华南理工大学化学与化工学院化学工程研究所
机构 深圳职业技术学院


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