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Experiment on Longwall Mining with Coal Rejects Backfill in Thick Seam with Shallow Depth Under Buildings

作  者: ; ; ; (史向军);

机构地区: 中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院国土环境与灾害监测国家测绘局重点实验室

出  处: 《煤炭科学技术》 2011年第8期30-34,共5页

摘  要: 针对阳泉东坪煤矿建筑物下压煤多、埋藏较浅的特点,基于综合机械化长壁矸石充填工艺技术,提出了间歇分层长壁矸石充填开采采出建筑物下压煤的技术途径。在分析长壁矸石充填开采沉陷控制机理的基础上,利用等价采高的概念设计了试验区分层开采厚度分别为3.1和3.0 m,并对方案进行了地表沉陷预计。结果表明,第1分层开采后地表的移动变形值均在设防标准之内;第1分层开采稳定后,对建筑物进行简单的维修和加固,可进行下一分层开采,地表移动变形仍在设防标准之内,为该矿井最大限度地解决建筑物下压煤问题提供了一种安全、经济的合理开采方法。 According to the high thickness and shallow depth features of the seam in Dongping Mine of Yangquan under the buildings,based on the fully mechanized longwall mining coal technology with rejects backfill,the technical access of the longwall mining with coal rejects backfill and the interval slice seam was provided to liberate the seam under the surface buildings.Based on the analysis on the subsidence control mechanism of the longwall mining with coal rejects backfill,the equivalent mining height conception was applied to design the slice mining thicknesses individually as 3.1 m and 3.0 m in the experiment region.The surface subsidence prediction was conducted to the mining alternatives.The results showed that after the first slice mined,the surface ground displacement and deformation value would be within the preset prevention standard.After the stabilization of the first slice mining,a simple repair and reinforcement were made to the buildings on the surface ground.Then the second slice seam could be mined and the surface displacement and deformation could be still within the preset prevent standard.Thus a safety and economic rational mining method could be provided to minimum solve the problems of the coal seam under the buildings.

关 键 词: 矸石充填开采 等价采高 概率积分法 间歇开采

领  域: [矿业工程] [矿业工程]




作者 范福军