机构地区: 河北农业大学林学院
出 处: 《生态农业研究》 1999年第4期27-29,共3页
摘 要: 试验研究杨粮间作系统中根障对土壤水分的影响结果表明,在集约经营条件下设置根障可有效改善间作农田的土壤水分含量,提高幅度为15.8%~17.7%;测定表明,灌溉15d后根障使间作系统农田土壤水分消耗的速度平均每天减缓0.5%。 After the study on the effect of root barrier on soil moisture in poplar-crop intercropping was found that the root barrier could availably improve soil water condition,soil water in crop root was increased by 15. 8%-17. 7% ,and siol water consumption in one day after irrigation was decreased by 0. 5%.