机构地区: 广西生态工程职业技术学院
出 处: 《广东农业科学》 2011年第11期51-52,共2页
摘 要: 分别在广西百色市老山林场西南桦试验林、百色市右江区大椤乡,设计了3组密度对比试验,采用样地调查法进行调查,将调查数据采用t检验分析研究,通过研究设计的造林密度对西南桦生长的影响,结果表明,西南桦初植密度应为2.5 m×4 m或2 m×4 m。 In order to find out a reasonable forestation density for alnoides to achieve better economic efficiency, we had investigated in the experimental forest in Laoshan forestry station in Baise and the Daluo township in Youjiang district of Baise. We compared three groups of density test, through sample survey and the analysis on the data by utilizing the "t test", and the result showed that forestation density of the alnoides should be 2.5 m×4 m or 2 m×4 m.