机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《科技管理研究》 2011年第15期83-86,共4页
摘 要: 考查1995—2008年间广东省高技术产业的结构相似度指数。研究发现,广东省高技术产业结构相似系数总体较高,粤东和粤西地区并没有出现产业同构的现象,而珠三角地区的高技术产业同构现象较严重,尽管近年来其高技术产业结构的趋同性有减弱的趋势。由于珠三角地区高技术产业的发展对广东省的经济发展有着重大的影响,适当调整珠三角地区的高技术产业结构,使之更合理,具有很大的现实意义。 The paper measures the structural isomorphism of high - tech industry in Guangdong province from the year 1995 -2007, both in the whole province and in areas. The results show that the degree of structural isomorphism in the whole province is high. While in areas, the degree is much lower in the east and west of Guangdong province. The study also shows that the degree of structural isomorphism in the Pearl River Delta is very high, though there is a downward trend. Due to the importance of high - tech industry growth in the Delta to the economic growth in Guangdong province, it is very vital to adjust the structure of high - tech industry in the Pearl River Delta to be rational.