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Seagrass transplantation in artificial fishing reefs and limited factor

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所

出  处: 《中国水产科学》 2011年第4期893-898,共6页

摘  要: 2008年6-12月在深圳市杨梅坑人工鱼礁区开展海草的移植试验,第一批次开展了喜盐草、川蔓藻的基地试验池移植试验,海草最大存活为20 d;第二批次进行了喜盐草和矮大叶藻的人工鱼礁区分水层移植试验,海草最大存活时间为120 d,且表层的海草生长存活情况相对较好。依据海草存活状况结合原生长地和移植试验地的各种环境因子进行了限制因子分析,结果表明,海草对光照和溶氧的要求较高,不同的环境因子均可成为海草存活生长的限制因子。同时,作者还对人工鱼礁区海草移植需要的注意点进行了探讨,认为在人工鱼礁区选择海草移植地时,需考虑与生长地具备相似的底质以及相近的海洋环境(包括温度、盐度、pH值、溶氧、光照等),一般水深不应超过2 m,同时具备直接太阳光照射的地方;在海草的移植过程,尤其是初始阶段,需采取必要的保护措施为海草提供生长空间以及防止敌害生物的啃食。 The trial of seagrass transplantation was carried out in artificial fishing reefs area in Shenzhen yang-meikeng from June to December in 2008.The first batch transplantation seagrass is Halophila ovalis and Ruppia rostellata.The trial was carried out in test pond.The longest survival time is about 20 d.The second batch trans-plantation seagrass is Halophila ovalis and Zostera nana Roth.The trial was carried out in different water-course in artificial fishing reefs area.The longest survival time is about 120 d.The seagrass was relatively preferably in surface layer.Limiting factors analysis was carried out according to seagrass survival state and all kinds of envi-ronment factor in sampling area and in trial area.Results show that there are high requirements to dissolve oxygen and illumination for seagrass growth.Different environmental factor can be the limiting factor of seagrass growth.At the same time,we discussed the key technique for seagrass transplantation in artificial fishing reefs:When choose the area of artificial fishing reefs for seagrass transplantation,we should consider the area that have similar with the growth of sediment and similar marine environment(including temperature and salinity,pH value,dis-solved oxygen,illumination,etc),the general depth should not exceed 2 meter,the light of the sun directly.At the same time,in the transplantation of seagrass process especially initial stage,the necessary measures must be taken to provide growing space of seagrass and prevent nibbling of harmful creatures.

关 键 词: 海草 移植 限制因子 人工鱼礁区

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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