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Structural design on the main building of South Changsha Railway Station

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中南建筑设计院股份有限公司

出  处: 《建筑结构》 2011年第7期12-18,共7页

摘  要: 我国第一条客运专线——武广客运专线上最大的中间站长沙南站主站房的结构为桥建合一的框架结构,地下1层,地上2层(局部3层)。结构设计特点:站台层桥梁结构采用梁式桥+桥墩(桥台),通过在桥梁(包括正线桥梁)上开孔使上部站房柱直接与桥墩(桥台)相连,有效地减小列车振动对上部候车厅层的楼盖舒适度的影响;进行高架候车厅层49m跨钢桁架楼盖的竖向舒适度和TMD减振分析及现场检测;屋盖采用网架结构(局部为张弦结构),在大跨度处采用两级分叉树状柱支承,分叉树状柱不仅减小屋盖结构跨度,提高结构经济性,而且使结构与建筑完美结合。分叉节点采用铸钢节点,通过有限元分析和足尺试验进行节点设计,确保其安全性和经济性。 South Changsha Railway Station is the largest way-station in Wuhan-Guangzhou Passengers' Express Railway.The main building is a 2-storey(partly 3-storey) frame structure above the ground with 1-storey basement.The girder bridge with pier was adopted for the railway platform floor(the 1st floor),the CFST columns for the upper station structure were directly connected to the piers through the holes in the girder bridge to reduce the dynamic response on passengers' waiting hall on the 2nd floor induced by the high-speed pass-by trains.The vertical human comfort on the steel truss floor with span of 49m was analyzed and tested in situ before and after the tuned mass dampers were installed to reduce the floor vibration induced by human activities on waiting hall and high speed pass-by trains.The space truss was used for the roof structure,with beam string structure being for the 49m-span day lighting area.The circular steel columns with tree shape were applied to the large span roof structure to reduce the span,made roof structure economical,and perfectly coincide with the architecture.Complicated connections of structural steel casting were used in the circular steel columns with tree shape,the cast-steel connections were analyzed by FEM and verified by the full-size tests to ensure structural safety and economy.

关 键 词: 桥建合一 梁式桥 楼盖舒适度 大跨度钢桁架 树状分叉钢管柱 铸钢节点 张弦梁 现场检测 足尺试验

领  域: [建筑科学]




作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇