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Test Research on Making Skeleton Specimen of Birds——Making Chicken's Skeleton Specimen for the Interpretive

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 阜阳师范学院生命科学学院

出  处: 《安徽科技学院学报》 2011年第3期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 禽类是动物发展史上的重要阶元,全球分布,骨骼标本更能体现其进化特点。为了解其骨骼标本制作中不同药剂浓度的使用效果,以便于制作出完整漂亮的骨骼标本,特设置不同浓度的NaOH和H2O2进行试验研究。结果:禽类不同部位的骨骼大小和质地不同,应使用不同的药剂浓度进行腐蚀、脱脂和漂白,用2.0%、3.0%、5.0%、5.0—7.0%浓度的NaOH分别腐蚀和脱脂头骨、椎骨和胸肋骨、爪骨、粗大腿骨效果好;用3.0—5.O%、5.0%、10%浓度的H2O2分剐漂白头骨、椎骨和胸肋骨、腿骨和跗跖骨及爪骨效果好。 Birds are important phase in the creature phylogeny and are distributed all over the world, skeleton specimen could embody their evolutional characteristic even more. In order to know the result of different concen- tration of medicament used to make the skeleton specimen, and produce the ideal skeleton specimen, the author put up different concentration of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxid in the test especilly. Result: in different parts of the bird, bones ' s size and texture are different, different concentration of medicament should be used to erode, degrease and to bleach. Using 2.0%, 3.0%, 5.0%, 5.0 -7.0% concentration of sodium hydroxide to erode and degrease the head bone, vertebra and sternum and rib, bone in claw, thick shank respectively, using 3.0 -5.0% , 5.0% , 10% concentration of hydrogen peroxid to bleach the head bone, vertebra and sternum and rib, thick shank and tarsi and metatarsus and bone in claw respectively, results are the best.

关 键 词: 禽类 骨骼标本 不同药剂浓度 效果比较

领  域: [生物学]


作者 曲炳良


机构 广东海洋大学


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