机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院逻辑与认知研究所
出 处: 《统计与信息论坛》 2011年第6期78-84,共7页
摘 要: 找出播音员风格特征和播音员语音的声学特征的对应关系,对播音学和语言声学的发展意义重大。提出梅尔似韵律特征的概念,将其细分为基本梅尔特征、浅层梅尔似韵律特征和深层梅尔似韵律特征,并利用其与标准化欧氏距离去标识播音风格。通过播音样本的统计分析验证了播音员个体之间及与普通人之间在梅尔似韵律特征上的明显差异,结果表明,梅尔似韵律特征可以有效标识播音员的播音风格。 Finding out the relevance of announcer's style to his acoustic characteristics is substantial.For the first time,a new concept "Mel-rhythm-like stamp" is put forward in this paper.Based on ameliorating MFCC by adding normalized Euclid Distance to measure the similarity,a novel method on identifying broadcast style in "News Broadcast" is introduced;experiments gIve proof on the disparity in Mel-rhythm-like stamp between announcers and average persons,and results reveal the Mel-rhythm-like stamp's identifying ability of broadcast style.
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