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Overview of de-icing technology for transmission lines

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (傅闯);

机构地区: 四川大学电气信息学院

出  处: 《电力系统保护与控制》 2011年第14期148-154,共7页

摘  要: 对目前国内外的输电线路电流融冰方法按交流和直流进行了分类总结。交流融冰可分为短路融冰和带负荷融冰;直流融冰按融冰对象是交流线路还是直流线路进行了划分。阐述了各种融冰方法的原理,重点介绍了交流短路融冰和直流融冰。通过对各种方法的适用范围、对系统的影响、操作难易等进行比较,得出直流融冰具有诸多优点,是未来的发展方向。最后,提出基于IGBT的直流融冰装置,该装置在非融冰期间可兼作STATCOM使用。 Present de-icing technologies are summarized in this paper and the methods of AC and DC de-icing are introduced respectively.AC de-icing method is divided into short-circuit de-icing and on-load de-icing.DC de-icing method,according to the types of transmission lines,is classified into AC line de-icing and DC line de-icing.Different de-icing theories are elabrated and AC short-circuit de-icing and DC de-icing are introduced emphatically.Compared with other de-icing methods from the aspects of application scope,effect on the system and operation difficulty,it is found that DC de-icing has many advantages and is the further developing orientation.Furthermore,a new DC de-icer based on IGBT is proposed which can serve as static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) during non-ice melting.

关 键 词: 融冰 交流融冰 直流融冰 短路融冰 带负荷融冰

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 喻季欣


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院


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