机构地区: 华南农业大学信息学院
出 处: 《工业工程》 2011年第3期110-114,共5页
摘 要: 以电控板装配的手插件工序为研究对象,在作业标准化的基础上,结合生产工艺要求与元件特征属性,利用聚类分析方法对元件进行分类,确定其优先分配顺序,提出了一种基于元件组合优化的电控板装配作业分配方法,较好地解决了双手作业负荷与装配线平衡问题。以某企业A型电控板为例,通过上述方法确保各工位内部作业平衡,使线平衡率提高了22.13%,每小时产量提高了35.99%,从而验证了方法的有效性。 An electric control board assembly process is studied for line balance improvement. To do so, according to the production process requirements, the operations in the process are standardized. Then, clustering analysis is carried out to the elements that should be assembled onto the electric control board. Based on the results of clustering analysis, the elements are grouped and their assembling order is deter- mined. The assembling tasks for the element groups are optimally assigned to the workstations. In this way, the electric control board assembly line balance is improved. This method is applied to an enterprise as a case, results show that the line balance ratio is improved by 22. 13% and productivity is increased by 35.99%. This is a significant improvement.