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Eco-physiological Characteristics and Environmental Effects of Ten Wetland Emerged Plant Species on Purifying the Rivulet Sewage in Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州城市职业学院生物与环境工程系

出  处: 《湖北农业科学》 2011年第9期1776-1780,共5页

摘  要: 为探讨在河涌污水培养条件下湿地植物对污水的净化效果及其生理机制,以海芋(Alocasia macror-rhizos)、风车草(Cyperus alternifolius)、水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani)等10种挺水植物为试验材料,研究了不同污染类型河涌污水生长条件下湿地挺水植物的抗逆、光合等生理指标及净化污水的能力。结果表明,湿地挺水植物具备一定净化河涌污水的能力,其中以海芋、花叶美人蕉(Canna generalis)、花叶芦竹(Arundo donax)效果最明显;污水胁迫条件下,黄花鸢尾(Iris pseudacorus)、水葱等植物叶片细胞质膜透性和膜脂过氧化水平加剧,叶绿素含量下降,从而降低植物叶片抗逆性;光合参数方面,黄花鸢尾、水葱等净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)均明显降低,而细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)增大,表现出生长不良甚至枯死,而相同条件下,海芋、花叶美人蕉、香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)和翠芦莉(Ruellia britto-niana)的生理活性却明显增强。海芋、花叶美人蕉、翠芦莉、风车草、花叶芦竹等挺水植物为适宜的广州河涌水体净化和景观美化植物材料。 The sewage purification capacity and physiological parameters of 10 wetland emerged plant species were studied.The results showed that the wetland emerged plants,especially Alocasia macrorrhizos,Canna generalis and Arundo donax could purify the rivulet sewage to some extent.In sewage treatment,the leaf chlorophyll contents,daily mean net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs) and transpiration rate(Tr) of Iris pseudacorus and Scirpus tabernaemontani decreased;while the cytoplasm membrane permeabilities and the lipid peroxidations of membranes of them increased,and the intercellular CO2 concentrations(Ci) increased.However,Pn,Gs and Tr of Alocasia macrorrhizos,Canna generalis,Vetiveria zizanioides and Ruellia brittoniana increased;while Ci of them decreased.These results showed that Alocasia macrorrhizos,Canna generalis,Ruellia brittoniana,Cyperus alternifolius and Acorus calamus could be used for rivulet sewage purification and landscaping in Guangzhou.

关 键 词: 挺水植物 河涌 污水净化 生理效应

领  域: [生物学] [环境科学与工程]


作者 陈敬贵


机构 广州大学体育学院


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