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A Statistical Analysis of Urban Geography Studies in China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院

出  处: 《地理科学进展》 2011年第6期681-690,共10页

摘  要: 以《地理学报》、《地理科学》、《地理研究》自创刊至2009年底所刊载的城市地理学相关论文共523篇为数据源,对中国城市地理学的研究动态进行了统计分析。从论文数量、研究类型、研究方法、研究主题、作者单位等方面归纳了城市地理学研究的动态特征,并利用文献计量学方法估算了核心作者群及其论文情况。研究结果表明,自1980年以来中国城市地理学的研究视角由侧重宏观逐步转变为宏微观并重,使用数量方法的研究明显增多,基于案例分析的实证研究逐渐成为主流。在研究主题上,城市化、城市体系、城市空间结构成为研究热点;在作者群变化上,核心作者人数及其论文篇数增加但比重下降,说明中国城市地理学正迎来一个百花齐放的时代。本文从学科建设的角度出发,呼吁中国城市地理学注重研究规范的引导和核心作者的培育,以利于学科持久健康发展。 Urban geography, as a new branch of human geography in China, has developed very quickly since the 1980s, and achieved a lot of important results and significant theoretical methods in the research of many cru- cial problems, such as urban development and urbanization. Considering with the historical development prog- ress of urban geography, this paper has collected the papers of urban geography from three major academic geo- graphic journals (Acta Geographica Sinica, Scientia Geographica Siniea, and Geographical Research) from the start of the journal to the end of 2008, and summarized the dynamic characteristics of urban geography' s research based on the quantity of papers, research types, research methods, research fields, the objects of study and the au- thor affiliations. The core-authors were preliminarily analyzed by means of bibliometrics, the findings show that, with the nearly 30 years efforts, researches on China's urban geography have gained their own characteristics. The research viewpoint has changed from the macro perspective to emphasis on both macro and micro perspec- tives, the use of quantitative approaches has increased obviously, and case studies on the basis of empirical re- search has become a mainstream. The research of urban geography, mainly concentrated on three aspects in Chi- na: urbanization, urban system and urban spatial structure, was featured with practicality. The number of core-au- thors and their papers have increased, while the proportion has decreased relatively. It can illustrate the fact that the number of researchers on urban geography has increased continuously. It is suggested that disciplinary con- struction should be enhanced and the core authors should be supported in China, so as to ensure that the urban geography develops in a sustained and sound way.

关 键 词: 城市地理学 载文量 研究类型 研究领域 核心作者群 统计分析

领  域: [天文地球]


作者 郝丽丽
作者 屈琼斐
作者 郝红暖
作者 肖洪
作者 韩晓强


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡