作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期105-109,共5页
摘 要: 庶民研究学派批判精英主义人文社会科学研究范式忽略了庶民文化形态的特殊性与庶民意识表达方式的独特性。他们发挥跨学科的优势,在历史、文学、人类学、政治学等诸多研究领域试图颠覆精英主义学术研究,重构能够容纳底层经验的新知识生产范式。在历史学领域中,他们以历史书写来建构庶民阶层政治讼诉求的合法性,反对寡头政治,要求民主自由。 The School of Subaltern Studies criticized the limitedness of the elitist mode of humanities and social sciences: the ignorance of the particularity of subaltern culture modality and the uniqueness of the expression of subaltern consciousness.The research involves scholars from a cluster of fields and their interdisciplinary studies attempt to subvert the elitist research and reconstruct the new knowledge production mode which can contain the experience of the experiences of social bottom.The essay takes the field of history studies as an example to examine how subaltern studies rethink the relationship between social bottom experience and the knowledge production,and its influence on politics as well.