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Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of topsoil nutrients in Karst Peak-Cluster depression area of Northwest Guangxi,China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (谭卫宁);

机构地区: 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所

出  处: 《生态学报》 2011年第11期3036-3043,共8页

摘  要: 运用传统统计方法研究了典型喀斯特峰丛洼地4个植被演替阶段(草地、灌木林、次生林、原生林)表层(0—15 cm)土壤养分的空间分异特征,并分析其成因。结果表明:(1)不同植被演替阶段土壤养分(有机碳、全氮、碳氮比、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾)及pH值有明显差异(P<0.05);除全钾外,其他养分含量均随植被正向演替而增加。(2)地貌部位对养分含量的影响不尽一致:各植被演替阶段的磷、钾及原生林的碳氮均符合养分的"洼积效应",只有受人为干扰较强的草地、灌木林、次生林的碳氮养分存在随坡位升高而增加的现象。通过本研究得知,植被演替对养分积累具有积极作用;磷素(速效磷3.55—11.41 mg/kg)、钾素(速效钾64.05—105.75 mg/kg)是该区域的养分限制性因子;该区域养分的"倒置现象"并不普遍存在。 Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil nutrients was put forward to indicate the distribution and changes of soil nutrients. Comparing with non-karst regions, former studies had shown that soil nutrients were inversed in karst peak-cluster depression, namely nutrient-inversion. The reasons for nutrients inversion in karst peak-cluster depression were obscure. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the impacts of vegetation succession and topographical attributes on surface soil nutrients and validate whether it is universal for nutrients inversion. An experiment was designed to compare the distribution of soil nutrients under three mainly vegetations to theoriginal forest. In order to explore the temporal and spatial variability of soil nutrients and its controlling factors, the soil samples of topsoil (0--15cm) were collected in two typical Karst peak-cluster with four vegetation succession stages (grassland, shrubland, plantation forest, original forest) in northwest Guangxi, southwest China. A total of 202 samples were collected from twelve sampling lines (each vegetation type had three sample lines for comparison) , including 48 grassland samples, 46 shrubland samples, 44 plantation forest samples and 64 original forest samples. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was utilized to analyze the differences of topsoil nutrient contents for different vegetation types and topographical attributes, respectively. The results showed that there were significant differences of topsoil nutrients (soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, carbon/nitrogen ratio, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium) and soll pH values among different vegetation succession stages. Except for the total potassium, other nutrientcontents increased with vegetation succession. The slope position had different effects on soil nutrient contents. Many influencing factors affected the variability of nutrients at the same time, such as human disturbance and its intensity, soil phy

关 键 词: 喀斯特峰丛洼地 土壤养分 植被演替 地貌部位

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 熊昌盛


机构 华南农业大学信息学院


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作者 吴晨
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