机构地区: 韶关学院
出 处: 《外国教育研究》 2011年第5期91-96,共6页
摘 要: 学习科学最早起源于美国,它是在认知科学、计算机科学等学科基础上发展起来的关于学与教的交叉学科,目前全美已经设立了非正规与正规环境学习中心,视觉语言与视觉学习科学中心,匹兹堡学习科学中心,教育、科学与技术中的卓越学习中心,学习的时间动力学中心,认知与教育神经科学中心等七个学习科学研究中心,每个研究中心均有不同的研究重点,但都采用"基于设计的研究"范式,从不同的视角研究学习。其研究主题为如何学以及学什么,以进一步提高人类的学习绩效。美国学习科学的研究能为我国学习科学研究的深入发展提供新的研究思路,同时拓展教育技术学领域的研究视角和研究范畴。 The discipline of learning science,which originated in America,is a learning-teaching focused multidisciplinary subject developed from the basis of cognitive science and computer science. Up to now, seven research centers of learning science have been established in America,namely,the Center for Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE),The Science of Learning Center on Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2),Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC),the Center for Excellence for Learning in Education,Science,and Technology (CELEST),Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center (SILC),The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center (TDLC), and the Center for Cognitive and Educational Neuroscience (CCEN). Having varied research emphasis, each center studies learning from diverse perspectives with the same pattern of design-based research. The research aiming to improve human learning performance, the subjects of the discipline are how-to learn and what-to learn. The research of U.S. learning science makes a new offer for the further Chinese research of learning science and widens the research outlook and extent in the field of educational technology at home