作 者: ;
机构地区: 江苏大学人文社会科学学院
出 处: 《镇江高专学报》 2011年第1期5-11,共7页
摘 要: 柳诒徵不仅是著名的史学家、国学家、教育家、目录学家、图书馆事业家,而且是一位诗人与书法家,是一位具有爱国情怀的知识分子。这些多为学界关注与重视,然而,至于南社人与柳诒徵深厚的情结及其南社革命文学精神对他的影响诸问题,则迄今未见具体研究。其实,南社柳亚子等人与柳诒徵交往频繁,关系密切。二柳关心国事,共同钦敬赵声。在南社文学革命精神的感召下,柳诒徵弘扬国学,辛勤笔耕,鞠躬尽瘁,出版了《中国文化史》等史学开山巨著。 Liu yizheng,a patriotic intellectual,is not only a famous historian,an educator and a sholar studying Chinese national culture and bibliography,but also a famous poet and calligrapher.The academic world cares a lot about his achievements. However,so far,there is no research on the close friendship between the poets from Nanshe and Liu yizheng,and the influence of Nanshe revolutionary culture. They were concerned about national affairs and worried about the nation and the people.The two close friends were crazy about revolution and respected Zhao Boxian,a bourgeois-democratic revolutionist and martyr.Their deep love for the country moved a lot of people.Influenced by Nanshe revolutionary literature spirits,Liu,advocating sinology to promote the quintessence of a country and inosculate new knowledge.was diligent and devoted himself to writing.His world-famous publication of History of Chinese Culture was a result of practicing quintessence-group academic spirits,which contributed greatly to carrying on and developing excellent traditions of Chinese cultures.
领 域: [历史地理]