作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学法学院社会工作系
出 处: 《社会工作》 2011年第6期4-7,共4页
摘 要: 本文第一次全面疏理了中国企业社会工作的发展历史,总结了我国具有代表性的四种企业社会工作的实务运作模式,即厂内运作模式、外包运作模式、企业购买运作模式、项目嵌入运作模式。同时,基于上述模式的批判性解读及企业社会工作实务的发展困境,提出了适合我国国情的"企业社会工作的社区综合发展"新模式。 This article reviews and reorganizes the developmental history of enterprise social work in China thoroughly for the first time, and mean- while summarizes four typical operating modes in practice including in-house programs, contractor auspice programs, business buying programs and project embedded programs. Moreover, this paper brings forward the concept of "Integrated development of enterprise social work in community", a new mode better suited to the present condition of China on the basis of the critical understanding of the four operating modes mentioned before and the difficulties encountered in the practice of enterprise social work.