机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
出 处: 《史林》 2011年第2期77-84,188-189,共8页
摘 要: 明士人郑汝璧,作有《故宋闽冲郡王墓表》一文,备记漳浦赵氏之祖由来,兼及崖山之战前、后遗事。该文以解释相关文字为基础,指出墓表云"浅湾遇陈宜中,议往福州为复计",与同时郑思肖所记"或报陈丞相兵船同至,探张少保败遁,不与贼战即去"极其吻合。而云墓主为"魏王廷美之十一世孙",据现存同系人名字所示辈份,赵若和应是"十世孙";而福州正是该家族聚居地。至于"崖山斗洞太师伍隆起",其先世即明士人陈献章所提"岭南第十三将",而与明初人黎贞所记仕元之伍氏同为地方"右族"。值得指出的是,陈宜中之寓"占城"以及由之产生的种种"谣言",给元安定广东地方造成了难以估计的麻烦。 In an article by Zheng Rubi,scholar of Ming dynasty,there recorded the ancestors of the Zhao family in Zhangpu,Fujian province.Zheng also pointed out that Zhao met Prime Minister Chen in Champa Kingdom and regarded Zhao Ruohe as the tenth offspring of Zhao family.It is worth mentioning that Chen Yizhong's residing in Champa Kingdom and rumors about it resulted in immeasurable troubles in Yuan dynasty's reign of Guangdong.