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Microfluidic Chip Application in Stem Cell Research

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 重庆大学生物医学工程联合学院生物流变科学与技术教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《中国生物工程杂志》 2011年第3期81-86,共6页

摘  要: 干细胞以其多潜能性和自我更新能力成为人类早期胚胎研究、干细胞治疗和组织工程修复中的主要细胞来源和种子细胞。但传统细胞研究方法难以提供干细胞生长和分化所需的复杂多层次的微环境,使研究结果与体内真实情况相差甚远,尽可能模拟和精确调控干细胞培养微环境,进而控制干细胞自我更新或分化命运,成干细胞研究的难点。微流控芯片可以更真实地模拟干细胞小生境(niche);实时可控的对单个干细胞加载剪切力和生长因子;其透明的装置可对细胞行为进行跟踪观察等研究细胞微环境中占有优势,从而受到越来越多干细胞研究者的关注。结合对微流控技术研究经验,对干细胞微环境构建所需条件进行了综述,总结了微流控在干细胞研究中所取得的成果,并展望了微流控技术在干细胞研究中的应用前景。 The stem cell has become an ideal supply of cells for tissue engineering and cellular therapies for its' capacity of long-term self-renewal and multipotency-the ability to differentiate into one or more specialized cell types properties.These approaches require a readily available source of stem cell outside a living body.But the stem cell's microenvironment hasn't been clearly defined for its' multiplicity and complexity,and the conventional culture cell method's limitation also dedicate for it.The stem cell's self-renewal or differentiation fate couldn't be controlled outside a living body with current stem cell research method.As the stem cell is very sensitive for the microenvironment change,precisely mimic and control the stem cell microenvironment that control the stem cell's self-renewal or differentiation fate has become the difficulty in stem cell research.With the introduction of microfluidics into cell culture technology,it is possible that mimic the stem cells' in vivo microenvironment in vitro.For it can culture stem cell in 3D microenvironment;precisely control the various factors and study their influence on the stem cell fate.Furthermore microfluidic chip can also be made transparent and monitor the stem cells real time by imaging.In the microfluidics and the blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell,review the microenvironment that the stem cell needed and enumerate the advantages of microfluidic technology,summary some successful research findings for the stem cell research inside microfluidics.And the prospect of this technology for the stem cell microenvironment and for other applications was made.

关 键 词: 干细胞微环境 微流控芯片 微流控技术 可溶性因子 机械力 体外模拟调控 三维培养

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]




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