机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《教育发展研究》 2011年第6期68-71,共4页
摘 要: 本文从个人职业生涯为本的校长培训的现实困境入手,分析其背后的理论假设,提出在我国校长培训发展的现阶段,依赖个人职业生涯为本的校长培训已不足以适应学校发展对学校领导力的需求,也与目前领导理论从个体英雄式的领导理论向集体领导理论转型的大趋势不相吻合。因此,迫切需要重新审视校长个人职业生涯为本的校长培训,实现校长培训向学校领导力发展的转型。 This paper addresses practical difficulties encountered in eareer-based principal training. Through an examination of the theoretical assumptions of career-based principal training, it argues that such an approach to principal training can no longer satisfy the needs of leaders in school development endeavors. Moreover, the approach advocated by career-based principal training does not reflect a broader theoretical trend in leadership study that shifts interest from the leadership of "heroic" individuals to the efficacy of collective leadership. In the interest of school improvement, it is suggested that a re-assessment of the approach and strategy of career-based principal training is necessary.