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Determination of Four Heavy Metal Elements in Liuwei Dihuang Pills and its Health Risk Assessment

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州中医药大学

出  处: 《现代食品科技》 2011年第4期479-481,478,共4页

摘  要: 建立5个不同产地六味地黄丸中四种重金属元素的检测方法,并对其含量水平和健康风险进行初步评价。采用微波消解-原子吸收光谱法分析测定5个不同产地的六味地黄丸中铅、镉、铜、铬等四种重金属元素的含量。方法线性、重现性、仪器精密度和回收率均符合定量分析要求。五个产地六味地黄丸中铅的含量均有少量超标;河南产的六味地黄丸中镉元素含量稍高于国家标准;辽宁和安徽产的六味地黄丸中铜含量有较严重的超标。从健康风险指数来看,六味地黄丸中铅对人体健康存在一定风险,其它元素含量对人体的健康风险很小。 The method for determination of four heavy metal elements in Liuwei Dihuang Pills from five different places was developed,and its health risk assessment was evaluated.Four heavy metal elements in Liuwei Dihuang Pills from five different places were measured by microwave digestion-atomic absorption spectrometry method.Under this method,good linearity,reproducibility precision,and recovery were obtained.All the examined concentrations of Pb in Liuwei Dihuang Pills from five different places were found higher than national standard.And the concentrations of Cu from Liaoning and Anhui provinces were much higher than national standard.The risk index showed that Pb will possibly produce health risk of adult person.The health risk possibilities of other metal elements were not significance.

关 键 词: 六味地黄丸 重金属 健康风险评价

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 袁云丽


机构 广东工业大学


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