机构地区: 暨南大学图书馆
出 处: 《图书馆建设》 2011年第4期92-95,共4页
摘 要: 1901—1918年辛亥革命时期,革命派的读书活动与阅书报社的创建、革命者平等自由等进步思想的传播及辛亥革命前后一系列图书馆法规制度的制定,加速了中国古代藏书楼向近代图书馆的嬗变,促进了全国范围内的公共图书馆兴建高潮,并带动学校图书馆等各类型图书馆的建设,从而有力地推动了近代中国图书馆事业的兴起与发展。 From 1901 to 1918 in the Revolution of 1911, reading activities of revolutionaries and construction of reading rooms, the transmission of progressive thoughts of revolutionaries such as freedom and equality, the legislation of libraries accelerate the transmutation from ancient library to modern library in China, promote the construction upsurgence of public libraries on a national scale, and lead the construction of the other types of libraries, thus impel the prosperity and development of Chinese librarianship.
领 域: [文化科学]