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Anabarilius transmontana Rediscovered in Panlong River in Wenshan County,Yunnan Province

作  者: ; ; (武新来);

机构地区: 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室

出  处: 《西南林学院学报》 2011年第2期93-94,共2页

摘  要: 山白鱼原产于云南个旧市的大屯湖和文山县的盘龙河,近30多年来无被捕获的报道。2010年7月和9月在云南文山盘龙河获得白鱼标本,通过查阅资料并与保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所鱼类标本库的标本比对,确认为山白鱼。此次在盘龙河重新发现山白鱼,并不是文山县盘龙河自然环境状况改观的标志。 Anabarilius transmontana was native to Datun Lake in Gejiu,and Panlong River in Wenshan,Yunnan Province.It had not been reported to be captured in the past 30 years.Fortunately,white fish specimens were captured in July and September of 2010 in Panlong River of Wenshan County respectively,and the samples were identified as A.transmontana after reviewed some relevant literatures and examined the materials kept in Kunming Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.It is amazing to rediscover the A.transmontana in Panlong River.However,it does not indicate that the natural environment of Panlong River in Wenshan had been significantly improved.

关 键 词: 山白鱼 文山 盘龙河 鲤科

领  域: [生物学]




作者 丁培强
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