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Study on the Victim’s Fault in the Case of Wang Maling

作  者: ;

机构地区: 上海市第二中级人民法院

出  处: 《北方法学》 2011年第2期58-63,共6页

摘  要: 曾在"反暴力拆迁"案中造成"一死六伤"的女主角王马玲,在二审判决中由一审"故意杀人罪、有期徒刑8年"改判为"故意伤害罪、有期徒刑5年",改判的主要原因在于被害人存在过错。大量案例显示,在故意伤害案中,被害人过错是一个经常出现的情节,鉴于被害人过错与法益损害结果的产生具有刑法规范上的因果关系,而这种因果关系的存在事实上降低了刑法期待行为人实施合法行为的可能性,因而对其细致考量将对行为人公正的刑事责任非难具有重要价值。当前,被害人过错在司法实践中作为酌定量刑情节之定位影响了其效用发挥,因而对其法定化、标准化和规范化的适用是司法工作的当务之急。 In the case of Wang Maling who killed one and injured six persons in the "anti-violent removal of houses", she was convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to imprisonment for eight years in the first trial, but was commuted to imprisonment for five years with the convicted crime of intentional injury in the sec- ond judgment. This paper holds that such modification arose mainly from the victim' s fault, which is a common circumstance in intentional injury cases. Since there is causality between the victim' s fault and the damaged consequence, such causality has reduced the possibility of the actor to behave legitimately under the expectation of the criminal law. Such consideration is of great value to judge the actor' s criminal liability. It is desirable to legalize, standardize and normalize the victim' s fault which plays a decisive role in judging and sentencing crimes in judicial applications and practice.

关 键 词: 王马玲 被害人过错 期待可能性

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 潘庸鲁
作者 王妮
作者 朱红松
作者 欧阳颖思
作者 吴楚峰


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东培正学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚