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Clinical Research of Xinshuitong Capsule on Chronic Heart Failure in Patients with Diuretic Resistance

作  者: ; ; ; ; (谭宁锋);

机构地区: 福建中医药大学

出  处: 《中华中医药学刊》 2011年第4期837-839,共3页

摘  要: 目的:观察心水通胶囊(XST)对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者利尿剂抵抗的临床治疗效果。方法:将74例被诊为CHF伴利尿剂抵抗患者随机分为治疗组38例和对照组34例。两组均采用常规西药治疗,治疗组在此基础上加服XST,每次3粒,每日3次,7天为一疗程,共观察两个疗程。在第7天和第14天分别对两组的心功能分级、左室射血分数、血清电介质、肝肾功能,以及日尿量、呼吸困难、体重、心率和血压等进行评价。结果:第1个疗程治疗组在尿量、呼吸困难和心功能改善效率分别为61%、33%和36%,明显优于对照组28%、19%和17%(P<0.05)。综合两个疗程计量指标发现,XST在有效利尿的同时,能明显改善左室射血分数、心率及体重(P<0.05),对肝肾功能及水电介质未发现不良影响,也未发现不良反应。结论:XST对CHF利尿剂抵抗患者具有明显的利尿作用,能改善CHF患者的心功能和症状,不良反应少,值得进一步深入研究。 Objective: Evaluate the effects of Xinshuitong Capsule(XST) on chronic heart failure(CHF) in patients with diuretic resistance.Methods and Results: 74 CHF patients with diuretic resistance were randomized into treatment group(TG,n=38) and control group(CG,n= 34).Both groups were treated with conventional western medicine for CHF,while TG added XST(3 capsules po.tid) with 7 days for a course,two courses were observed altogether.At day 7 or 14,cardiac function,left ventricular ejection fraction,serum dielectric,liver and kidney functions,and the volume of urine output,dyspnoea,bodyweight,heart rate and blood pressure were evaluated.Results: In TG at course 1,urine output,dyspnoea and heart function improved significantly(61%,33% and 36%,respectively) than the control group(28%,19% and 17%)(P0.05).Averaged the data from two courses,in addition to improve urine output,XST was effective in improvement the left ventricular ejection fraction,heart rate and body weight(P 0.05),while no adverse effects of hepatic/renal functions,serum dielectric and no other side effects were found in the experiments.Conclusion: XST was effective on CHF patients with diuretic resistance and improved cardiac functions and symptoms with little adverse reactions,which was worthy of further study.

关 键 词: 心水通胶囊 慢性心力衰竭 利尿剂抵抗

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]




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