机构地区: 华南农业大学资源环境学院
出 处: 《土壤与环境》 1999年第2期92-95,共4页
摘 要: 采用统计方法,对广东省历年耕地及其构成进行相关分析,结果表明广东省耕地减少的原因主要是农业结构调整和其它未统计耕地减少;在近几年未统计耕地减少和结构调整中的改鱼塘占用分别约占耕地总减少量的1/3。在新增加耕地的类型中,围垦增加的比例已很低;复垦增加的比例上升极快,近年达3/4,复垦将是未来耕地面积增加的主要来源。 Correlation analysis of area change and its constituent of farmland in Guangdong province indicated that the adjustmentof agricultural structure and the use of unstatistic land were critical to the decrease in farmland. The former was used forfishpond and the later occupied l/3 of the decreased area. Among the increased farmland the proportion of cultivatedseashore land was relative low, and the proportion of recultivated land rose significantly and occupied 3/4 of theincreased farmland. In the future, the recultivated land would become the main source of the increase in farmland.