作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东机电职业技术学院工商外语系
出 处: 《江苏海洋大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第12期35-37,共3页
摘 要: 与谢芜村是近世俳句史上的著名诗人。在创作俳句之余,与谢芜村也进行着绘画的创作,被认为是日本文人画(南画)的集大成者。在创作俳句和绘画的同时,与谢芜村也渐渐地达到了俳画如一的境界。俳句和绘画原本是完全不同的艺术表现手段。从俳句的用词、构图、构思等角度分析,探讨了与谢芜村将俳句和绘画之间的巧妙与运用联系。 Yosa Buson is a famous Japanese haiku poet.In addition to haiku,Buson also composes paintings and is considered the master of Japanese literati painting(South paintings).In his works,Buson integrates haiku with painting.Haiku and painting are completely different ways of artistic expression.Haiku could expose the reader a world that full of imagination by only 17 Japanese Kana,while painting brings visual effect and beauty through color and lines.This article analyzes the combination of haiku and painting by Buson from such aspects as diction,conception and composition.
领 域: [文学]