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In Search of Happiness: TV Watching of "Left-behind Children" in Rural Guangdong

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学传播与设计学院

出  处: 《新闻与传播研究》 2011年第1期70-78,111-112,共9页

摘  要: 本文以广东揭阳桂东乡的12名留守儿童为例,力图通过对他们观看家庭类电视剧经验的深入质化考察,来理解电视与留守儿童的关系。基本的发现是,留守儿童的电视观看并非是一种"非理性的集体无意识",而是一种能动的文化行为,体现了他们对"愉悦"的积极追求,对理想家庭的知识建构,以及对自我现实的关照,是其生存境遇的折射和体现。本文提出了关于对留守儿童进行媒介素养教育和社会工作干预的建议。 In rural China,a new social group of children,who stay at their rural home while their parents move to the city to work for better life,emerges along with the process of urbanization.The children are called 'left-behind children' (L-children) in media and public literature.Increasingly concerns have been paid to the media's influences on this group,since the media replace the parents to be the life partner of this children group.Based on in-depth interviews on 12 children in Guidong village in Guangdong Province of their TV watching experiences of 'Family TV series',this study aims to understand the relationship between TV and L-Children.The main finding is that the L-Children's TV watching is neither passive nor mindless,but cultural that needs to be interpreted as activities being in search of happiness,constructing 'ideal family' and reflecting their reality situation.The study also finds that watching 'Family TV series' did not bring strong bad influences to the L-children group as a whole.Strong influences only exist in those whose family structure was destroyed by other outer factors.Suggestions on how to improve social work on this group are also provided.

关 键 词: 留守儿童 电视剧 观看 广东 幸福 诠释 媒介素养教育 集体无意识

领  域: [文学]


作者 吴谦
作者 何研
作者 江桂杏
作者 包晗
作者 钟明明


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广州大学


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青