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Experiments of Effects of Water and Copper Stresses on the Seeding Growth of Glyptostrobus pensilis

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (杨金雨露);

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《福建林业科技》 2011年第1期37-40,46,共5页

摘  要: 应用盆栽试验方法,比较研究了水松幼苗在不同水分和铜胁迫条件下的生长表现。结果表明:①在渍水(Wa)、隔天渍水(Wb)及3天浇水1次(Wc)和7天浇水1次(Wd)等4种水分胁迫条件下,Wc处理组幼苗生长表现最好;Wa和Wb处理组次之,Wd处理组幼苗在第7 d就出现萎焉,至第10天时全部死亡。②在Cu2+50(Cu50)、100(Cu100)、200(Cu200)、500mg·L-1(Cu500)等4种铜胁迫条件下,水松裸根苗在第10天时全部死亡;水松土培苗也出现不同程度的死亡和生长受抑现象,随着铜胁迫时间的延长,其成活率和生长量与对照组(Cu0)的差异增大;至90 d时,Cu500处理组的苗木存活率只有22.2%,其幼苗高增长量仅为对照组的38.2%。 The effects of stresses of different water and different concentrations of CH^2+ on the seedling growth of Glyptostrobus pensilis were studied by pot culture. The result showed that : ( 1 ) under four water stressed conditions : watering flooding ( Wa), watering flooding every other day( Wb), watering every 3 days ( We ) and watering every 7 dyas ( Wd ), the seedlings of Wc had the highest growth, next to the treatments of Wa and Wb. Those of Wd wilted permanently in the 7th day and all died in the 10th day. (2) Under the four Copper stressed conditions : 50 mg/L(Cu50), 100 mg/L ( Cu100 ) , 200 mg/L ( CU200 ) and 500 mg/L, ( Cus00 ) , all the bare-rooted seedlings of G. pensilis died in the 10th day ; the survival and growth of the soil-grown seedlings declined to some extent. The differences between the control (Cu0 ) and them increased with the Copper treatment time. Until the 90th day, the survival of Cu500 was 22. 2% and its seedling height was only 38. 2% of the control treatment.

关 键 词: 水松 水分胁迫 铜胁迫 成活率 生长量

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 罗兴全


机构 广东海洋大学农学院


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