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The Prosperity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoist Culture in Tang Dynastyand Its Influence on Literature

作  者: ;

机构地区: 江苏大学人文社会科学学院

出  处: 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2011年第1期89-97,共9页

摘  要: 唐代尽管出现过唐初重道、武后重佛、中唐儒佛对抗、晚唐排佛重道的此起彼伏的社会思潮,但三教在任何一个时期都并行存在、各自发展。唐代社会文化多元化的包容性特征,直接促使唐人形成充满活力的艺术创造精神。这种艺术创造精神表现在文学创作与文学批评方面,则呈现出百花齐放春满园的喜人景象:在儒家文化的影响下,产生了以韩愈为首的"文以载道"的古文运动和以白居易为首的"文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作"的新乐府运动,与初唐陈子昂高倡"汉魏风骨"、"风雅兴寄"的文学革新精神相呼应,共同构成了横贯全唐的现实主义诗学精神,有效发挥了"诗教"的社会功能;在道家文化的影响下,许多唐代士人在"兼济"无望的情况下,遂选择了"独善"的避世归隐之路,他们遁迹山林,神游云霞,其诗歌想象之丰富奇异,意象之瑰丽神妙,意境之凌虚飘渺,将浪漫主义的诗学精神推向了新的境界;在佛学文化的影响下,中国式的佛学——禅宗"即心即佛"、"无着无住"的随缘任运的思维形式与"当头棒喝"的"顿悟"意念,直接渗透到唐人诗歌的艺术中。 In Tang Dynasty, the thoughts went through some steps of worshipping the Taoism in the early period, Queen Wu's worship for Buddhism, the conflict between Confucianism and Buddhism, and the last period of expelling the Buddhism and worshipping the Taoism, but three religions in any period are in parallel existence. Tang dynasty has the features of socio-cuhural pluralism that directly led to the formation of a vibrant in artistic creativity, which are expressed in aspects of literature and literary criticism. Under the impact of Confucian culture, Han Yu led the literary movement of focusing on the realistic problems. And Bai Juyi headed the similar "Xin Yuefu" campaign, and the early poet, Chen Zi'ang advocated the el- egant literary innovation spirit. All of them constituted the realism of the trans-full Tang poetics, effectively carried out the social function of poetry. Under the influence of Taoism, many scholars in the Tang dynasty were in hopeless situations, and chose the hermitage road. The beautiful and serene scenery caused the poetry to be full of imagination which pushed the romantic spirit of poetry into a new realm. Under the impact of Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism-Zen is that "mind is Buddha. Thoughts of everything will be decided by Buddha's will penetrated gradually into the poems of Tang Dynasty

关 键 词: 唐代 儒学 佛学 道学 诗教 隐逸 意境

领  域: [文学]


作者 周春健
作者 赵小华
作者 肖妮妮
作者 黎业明
作者 兰峻


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青