机构地区: 嘉应学院
出 处: 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 2011年第2期48-50,共3页
摘 要: 课程改革是一个复杂的系统工程,分离式的单一要素或逐一要素的分析方法,难以揭示课程改革的整体面貌,片面的深刻加上蒙太奇的手法,任何对课程改革的赞美与批判,都可以得出价值合理性的结论。课程改革的不可重复性、难以证实性,给课程改革决策与实践效能的评价带来困难,对历史上课程改革成败的评价都普遍存在政治依附性、滞后性。因此,要研究当下的课程改革现实问题,基于课程改革生活的个案分析,借鉴复杂科学的原理与方法,开展课程改革的整体性研究十分必要。 Curriculum reform is a systems engineering,the way of analysis one factor or analysis factors one by one,can't show up the whole visage of curriculum reform.We usually pursue unilateral deep research and use montage tact,so most conclusions,admiration or criticism,we get is reasonable.Because the result of curriculum reform can't be repeated and approved,so it is difficult to give a science and objective evaluation on our curriculum policy and practice,usually most evaluation of curriculum reform are hysteretic and influenced by polity.Now,we think that if we want study the nowadays curriculum reform practice,use complex theory and its methods are significative and necessary.