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The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pinus Sylvestris var. Mongolica and Pinus Tabulaeformis in Mu Us Sandland

作  者: ; ; ; ; (刘育贤);

机构地区: 广东省林业科学研究院

出  处: 《水土保持研究》 2011年第1期215-219,共5页

摘  要: 利用Li-6400便携式气体分析系统,在自然条件下对毛乌素沙地腹地樟子松和油松人工林生长季叶片气体交换、水分利用效率及相关环境因子进行测定,同时探讨了影响樟子松、油松光合速率的内外因素。结果表明:生长季内毛乌素地区油松和樟子松的光合速率、蒸腾速率都表现出一定的日变化规律,都呈单峰型变化曲线;6月、7月、8月针叶树水分利用效率曲线呈下降趋势,上午时段的水分利用效率明显高于下午时段的水分利用效率。5月和9月针叶树水分利用效率日变化呈"W"型曲线,樟子松水分利用效率生长季均值为3.63μmolCO2/mmolH2O,油松水分利用效率生长季均值为3.22μmolCO2/mmolH2O,樟子松的水分利用效率始终高于油松。樟子松的净光合速率主要受光合有效辐射、气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度的影响,限制油松净光合速率的主要因子是光合有效辐射PAR和气孔导度。 In the growing season, the daily gas exchange, water use efficiency of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Pinus tabulaeformis in Mu Us sandland were measured with a portable Li-6400 gas analysis sys- tem under natural conditions. The results showed that the diurnal courses of net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate display a singal-peak pattern. Water use efficiency culminates in the early morning. The maximum and the average value of the net photosynthesis of the Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is larger than that of the Pinus tabulaeformis. The average value of the water use efficiency of Pinus sylvestris var. rnongolica is 3. 63 〉molCO/mmolH0, which was higher than that of Pinus tabulaeformis (3. 22 μmol CO/mmolHO). Regression analysis showed that the net photosynthetic rate of Pinus sylvestris vat. mongolica was controlled by PAR, (5, and C, while for Pinus tabulaeforrnis was PAR and G.

关 键 词: 樟子松 油松 气体交换 净光合速率 水分利用效率 毛乌素沙地

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 谢景连


机构 中山大学


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