机构地区: 湖南商学院旅游管理学院
出 处: 《商业经济与管理》 2011年第2期84-91,共8页
摘 要: 利用广义熵指数、变异系数、基尼系数对中国旅游业发展的不均衡性进行测度与分解:中国不同省份旅游业发展的不均衡性较大且有进一步扩大趋势,这种不均衡性主要来自于中国旅游业发展的地区之间的差距,而地区内部差距的影响相对较小且在不断下降;入境旅游与国内旅游对旅游产业发展的非均衡性影响分别呈现出递减与递增的变化规律;旅游购物、娱乐、通讯金融服务等收入对中国旅游产业发展的非均衡性的影响十分大,且呈现出大幅度上升趋势,传统的旅游住宿、景点门票与游览、交通收入的影响正好相反。文章为不同省份旅游产业定位与可持续、均衡发展的政策制定提供了理论与实证依据。 By using generalized entropy index,variation coefficient and Gini coefficient,the article decomposes the disparities of sub-national tourism industry development from 1997 to 2009 and analyzes its affecting factors in China.The disparities of sub-national tourism industry development in China are very great and tend to increase.The disparities are mainly derived from the difference among regions.The disparities within each region are comparatively small.The effects of inbound tourism on the disparities of Chinese tourism industry development are diminishing,while the effects of domestic tourism are increasing.The effects of shopping,amusement,communication and financial service on the disparities of Chinese tourism industry development are very great and increasing.The effects of traditional tourism accommodation,admission tickets and transportation are decreasing.These conclusions will provide theoretical and empirical evidence for the sustainable and balanced development of tourism in different regions in China.