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A Study on Changes in the Industrial Structure of Cities in Pearl River Delta Based on Shift-Share Method

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院统计学系

出  处: 《产经评论》 2011年第1期33-39,共7页

摘  要: 产业结构是影响区域经济发展的重要因素。以广东省平均发展水平为参照系,结合各市工业化发展水平,运用偏离-份额分析法对2004-2008年珠江三角洲的九个城市的产业结构份额、竞争力份额及其贡献率进行了分析。研究结果表明:在产业结构份额和竞争力份额方面,佛山、东莞、中山三市优势明显,广州、深圳两市竞争力份额为负,且负向影响较大;就三次产业结构而言,珠三角第一产业发展缓慢,以第二产业为主,但其竞争力处于劣势,第三产业发展迅速,但所占比重仍然偏低;除珠海、江门、肇庆三市外,其余各市第三产业竞争力份额较高,以广州、深圳、东莞为主,起到较大带动作用。根据计算分析结果,提出了珠三角各地区产业结构优化调整的发展方向。 Industrial structure is the important factor of regional economic development. Consideration of urban industrial development, the article adopts Shift-Share Method to analyze the nine citys' industrial structure shift component, industrial competitive power shift component and the related proportion in the urban cluster of Pearl River Delta during 2004 to 2008, which takes the Guangdong Province as the reference system. It is showed that the cities of Foshan, Dongguan and Zhongshan have a significant advantage in both of structure share and competitive share, the competitive share of Guangzhou and Shenzhen is negative, and they suffer a great negative impact;. In the structure of the three Industries, the Pearl River Delta (PRD) has a very slow pace of development in the primary industry, and it holds dominant position in the secondary industry, in which the competitive factors is weak, however; the tertiary industry is growing rapidly, but its proportion is still low. Except Zhuhai, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing, other cities have a higher competitive share, among which Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Dongguan play the leading role. According to the results of calculation and analysis, the direction is put forward for the optimization and adjustment to industrial structure in PRD.

关 键 词: 产业结构 偏离 份额分析 工业化水平 优化调整 珠三角

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 朱志勇
作者 占静
作者 骆玉兰
作者 刘建党
作者 彭丽花


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟