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Spatial distribution pattern of different strata and spatial assocations of different strata in the Schrenk Spruce Forest,northwest China

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系

出  处: 《生态学报》 2011年第3期620-628,共9页

摘  要: 天山云杉(Picea Schrenkiana)林是天山林区的重要针叶林。研究调查了分别代表天山云杉增长型种群和成熟型种群的两块标准地,应用Ripley's K系数法研究了天山云杉更新层、低林层、中林层和高林层的空间格局和不同林层的空间关联性,并应用Moran's I系数法研究了不同林层的林木高度的空间自相关性。结果表明:所有林层的天山云杉活立木都是显著聚集的,只是发生聚集格局的强度和聚集尺度不同。更新层天山云杉具有最大的聚集强度,从更新层到低林层,聚集强度急速降低。两块标准地中天山桦(Betula tianschanica Rupr.)、天山柳(Salix tianschanica Rgl.)和天山云杉活立木的空间关联性的表现不同。研究结果表明:增长型种群中天山桦、天山柳在所有尺度上都抑制天山云杉的生长;而成熟型种群中天山桦、天山柳在1—10 m尺度内对天山云杉种群的生长没有影响,10—40 m表现出正相关,40 m以上没有表现出明显的关联性;同时天山桦、天山柳基本上在所有尺度都抑制天山云杉的更新。在更新层和低林层间表现出正相关;而更新层和枯死木之间的空间关联性为正相关。 Forests often show clear vertical structure,which has significant influences on a series of structural and functional properties of forest ecosystems,such as seed dispersal ability,canopy radiation condition,photosynthetic capacity,and seedling growth.However,how forest vertical structure changes with horizontal scale has been less studied.The schrenk spruce(Picea schrenkiana) forest is the most wide-spreaded forest type in Xingjiang Province,northwest China.It has profound significance in soil and water conservation,timber harvesting,and climate regulation to the region.Analyzing the horizontal spatial patterns of different tree height classes can provide important insights into understanding the responsible processes that have generated the pattern.We conducted an across-scale analysis of forest structure to characterize the spatial characteristics of two contrasting Schrenk Spruce experimental forests in the campus of Xinjiang Agriculture University.All trees were mapped within a 2.4hm2 rectangular plot for the establishing and the mature experimental forests.Species within each plot were identified,and the number of species,tree height,tree age,and DBH(diameter at breast height) were recorded for each individual tree.Based on these measurements,we categorized all the tree individuals into four height classes: the upper,intermediate,lower and sapling classes.The spatial distribution patterns and spatial associations of trees among different height classes were first analyzed using a point pattern analysis method,the Ripley′s K statistic.Then,the Moran spatial correlograms were constructed to quantify the spatial pattern of tree height.Our results showed that: i) Schrenk Spruce tree individuals in different height classes distributed in an aggregative fashion.All tree-classes were clumped but at different distances.Bigger trees showed clumped distributions at greater distances.The sapling height class was the most clumped strata and had a positive association with other tree species;ii) Intra-

关 键 词: 天山云杉 空间点格局 系数法 空间关联性 空间自相关

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 马光辉
作者 陈芳菲
作者 王红亮
作者 乔宇
作者 黄兴中


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院
机构 广州大学地理科学学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 广东科技学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发