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Analysis on Spatial Interpolation of Hydrothermic Factors and Its Variation Tendency in Zhangjiakou Areas

作  者: ; ; ; ; (武红智);

机构地区: 山东省科技发展战略研究所山东济南250014

出  处: 《安徽农业科学》 2010年第35期20260-20263,共4页

摘  要: 在DEM和已有降水模拟数据的基础上,充分利用GIS空间插值技术和气象统计数据,完成了对张家口地区多年年均温和降水量的空间模拟。研究表明,张家口地区年均气温受地形影响很大,中西部和东南部山区属低温区,洋河河川区年均气温7℃以上,属于高温区,其余丘陵、低山区年均气温一般在4~6℃;区内气温年较差偏大,进一步表明张家口地区大陆性气候特征显著;1992~2001年的年均温模拟结果高值区较1949~2001年明显增加,是全球气候变暖的又一例证。张家口地区年均降水量有从东南向西北减少的趋势,降水分布不均匀;局部地区由于受地形变化的影响,年降水量的空间分布有一定的起伏变化,形成几个高值区,崇礼县降水相对较高,而康保、张北等坝上地区降水相对较少。实践证明,GIS空间插值技术是将统计数据栅格化的理想手段和工具,该研究对张家口地区的农业生产有一定的实际指导意义。 On the basis of DEM and precipitation simulated data,GIS spatial interpolation technique and meteorological statistical data were utilized fully,consequently,the spatial simulation of annual mean temperature and precipitation over the years in Zhangjiakou areas were accomplished.The research indicates that terrain has a strong impact on annual mean temperature.Midwest and southeast mountainous areas are low temperature regions.The annual mean temperature of river region in Yanghe is higher than 7 ℃,which belongs to high temperature region,and the annual mean temperature of other hilly areas is around 4-6 ℃.The large annual mean temperature difference indicates that Zhangjiakou areas belong to temperate continental climate zone.The high temperature regions based on annual mean temperature simulate result of 1992-2001 increased obviously than it was in 1949-2001,this is a case in point of global warming.The rainfall distribution is uneven.From southeast to northwest,the annual rainfall decreases.Because of the impact of terrain,annual rainfall distribution of some areas has a certain fluctuation,and then formed several high value regions.The precipitation of Chongli County is higher relatively,but it is lower in Bashang regions,such as,Kangbao and Zhangbei.The practice showed that GIS spatial interpolation technique was the best method and instrument for the rasterization of statistical data.The analysis results have a certain instructive significance to agricultural industry of Zhangjiakou area.

关 键 词: 地理信息系统 数字高程模型 水热因子 空间插值 张家口

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 熊昌盛
作者 王朝辉
作者 陈梅英
作者 卢秉武
作者 苏佳丽


机构 中山大学
机构 嘉应学院地理科学与旅游学院
机构 广州大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院土地研究中心


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊