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Breeding and Utilization of Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Reyan No.18

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所

出  处: 《草地学报》 2011年第1期147-156,共10页

摘  要: 1996年从哥伦比亚国际热带农业中心引入GC1581柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensis Sw.GC 1581),并于1996-1997年进行原始材料的生态适应性鉴定评价,1998-2000年进行品种比较试验,2002-2005年在海南和云南进行区域性试验,2003-2007年在海南进行生产性试验。结果表明:热研18号柱花草牧草产量达11420.0 kg.hm^-2.a^-1,比热研5号柱花草高16.16%(P〈0.05);热研18号柱花草抗柱花草炭疽病,可耐4-5个月的连续干旱,在年降水600 mm以上的热带地区表现良好,尤耐低肥力土壤、酸性土壤(pH 4.0-4.5)和低磷土壤,可耐受一定程度遮荫,在桉树(Eucalyptus)人工林和胶园作为覆盖作物表现出良好的持久性,具有较好的放牧与刈割性能,适合我国热带、亚热带地区种植,尤其适于华南地区大面积推广。 Stylosanthes guianensis Sw.GC 1581 was introduced from CIAT in 1996 with ecological adaptability trials evaluated in 1996-1997.Comparative trial followed in 1998-2000,and then regional and productive trials were conducted during 2002-2005 and 2003-2007 respectively.Preliminary results show that dry matter yield of Stylosanthes guianensis Sw.cv.Reyan 18 is 11420.0 kg·hm-2·a-1 which is significantly higher than that of Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Reyan No.5(P〈0.05).It also has higher resistance to stylo anthracnose and could endure hot dry periods more than 4-5 months and maintain good growth during dry season.Stylosanthes guianensis Sw.cv.Reyan 18 could tolerate poor soil,low phosphor fertility and acid soil especially in pH 4.0~4.5.It also has good growth under eucalypt artificial forests and rubber plantation as cover crops.It was suitable for grazing,cutting systems and planting in tropical and sub-tropical regions especially in South-China.

关 键 词: 热研 号柱花草 选育 利用

领  域: [农业科学]




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